iPro Academy – Fred Lam

iPro Academy Information

iPro Academy is a comprehensive internet marketing course designed to help you get highly targeted traffic to your website from all of the best internet sources at half of the cost others pay.

The course was created by one of the top internet media buyers in the business – Fred Lam.

iPro Academy is a comprehensive and complete course that you take at your own pace – which is awesome.

Fred Lam not only managed to build mutiple 8 figure onlines business for himself, but help established some of the biggest names in the industry. This includes Anik Singal, Jimmy Kim and Dori Friend to name just a few.

We’re talking about mutiple very successful online entrepreneurs learning traffic generation from one guy, Fred Lam, the the underground guru that you finally have the opportunity to learn from too. This might be your only chance as after this Fred is going back underground and will continue making his millions online quietly like he did before this.

So what make separates Fred Lam, from the all the other traffic generating gurus?

For one Fred did not make his online fortune selling products like most of the so called gurus. In fact, iPro Academy system is his first and only course he did in his 10 years of making money online. That means you don’t get information on some kind of a loophole or a trend that Fred Lam stumbled upon or stole from a secret organization, or any of that BS.

You’re getting 10 years worth of trail and error, as well as precious information on what is working right now, in 2015 and have been working for years. Would you rather build a life altering online business based on someone with experience and proof like Fred or some one-trick guru with a rented Ferrari?

Fred Lam has taken his 10 years of experience, that included coaching some of the biggest names in the industry like Anik Singal and Jimmy Kim, and pour his heart and soul into the iPro Academy. Now you can have lifetime access to time work and the blueprint he used to build mutiple 8 figure businesses. The course is broken down into several parts that I’ll talk about below.iPro Academy is a comprehensive and complete course that you take at your own pace – which is awesome. I know, because I was lucky enough to preview the entire course!

What will you learn in iPro Academy?

Module 1: What You Need To Learn About The Fundamentals

  • A: What Is Internet Marketing And How Does It Work?– Understand how internet marketing differs from brick and mortar businesses– Knowing what a sales funnel is, how it works, and how to use it– Why its important to buy traffic in the beginning
  • B: Understanding Internet Marketing Language– As internet and affiliate marketers we have our own lingo that you need to understand, not only to follow key concepts in the course, but to know how to speak the language– What are landing pages, opt-in pages, lead generation, sales letters, etc.
  • C: Internet marketing mathematics– You need to know the simple third-grade math used in internet marketing. Acronyms such as PPC, CPL, CPM which represent the analytics of your business. This will help you understand if you’re making or losing money and how to improve in each area
  • D: Which Advertising Channel Is Right For You?– What channels are available and which one will be the best for your market or niche– Why it’s smart to diversify both your advertising campaigns and platforms for your company’s stability– Why Facebook is the easiest platform to use and why Google is the hardest

Module 2: How To Create Your Own Website

  • A: How To Find The Right Niche For YOU– Where to find the tools to help you decide on a niche or marketplace to enter– How to determine if there is money already being made in that niche– Why it’s key to have a passion in your chosen niche
  • B: What Products And Services You Should Promote– Where to find things to sell on your website– How to become an affiliate for these products and services– The 4 types of offers that are available for you and where to find them– What type of offers are best for you to start with– Where to find ecommerce shopping sites– Why your ultimate goal is to create your own affiliate product or service
  • C: How To Design Your Website– Why you need a website– How to create a website for under $20– What elements you absolutely have to include on your website– Why one-page websites suck for advertising– Why branding is important to demonstrate that you’re a real business– How to get your website started in about ten minutes– Why you need hosting and which hosting company is your best choice– Step by step instruction on how to get started without any skills or experience– How to customize your new website and include the necessary elements and pages to get you found– How to get subscribers and site visitor interaction– Which plugins you need to optimize your website
  • D: Your Guide To Outsourcing– Why you should outsource many of your mundane tasks to others– The best place to outsource for only a few bucks per task– How to put together a professional team to assist you– Why you need to use Fiverr… now!– The types of jobs you should be outsourcing!– Where to find premium and advanced outsourcing

Module 3: How To Make Your Own Sales Funnel

  • A: Direct Linking– What is direct linking?– Pros and cons of direct linking– Which ad networks allow direct linking– How to setup direct linking
  • B: Your Opt-In Funnel– What is an opt-in funnel?– Pros and cons of opt-in funnels– Examples of opt-in pages– Opt-in funnel processes– How to captures leads– Walkthrough of opt-in funnels
  • C: Your Pre-Sell Funnel– What are pre-sell funnels– Pros and cons of pre-sell funnels– Examples of pre-sell funnels– Walkthrough of the pre-sell funnel
  • D: Review Page Funnel– What is a review page funnel?– Pros and cons of the review page funnel– Examples of review page funnels– Walkthrough of the review page funnel
  • E: Webinar Funnel– What is a webinar sales funnel?– Pros and cons of webinar sales funnels– Examples of webinar sales funnels
  • F: Your Own Custom Funnel– How to create your own sales funnel– Who should create sales funnels?– Types of sales funnels– Optimizing your own sales funnels

Module 4: Facebook Advertising A-Z

  • A: Facebook Ad Overview– Understanding Facebook advertising– Why advertise on FB?– Targeting capabilities– Types of advertising options
  • B: Facebook Ad Policy– How to be Facebook compliant– Why compliance is important– Ad and landing page compliance issues– How to avoid getting your ads banned– Ad creatives and image guidelines– Facebook ad community standards
  • C: How To Create Your Own Facebook Page– Why you need a Facebook page– How to set up your Facebook page step-by-meticulous-step– Navigation and branding your FB page– Creating FB page posts that get you noticed
  • D: Personal Facebook Accounts Vs. Facebook Business Accounts– How to set up your ad account manager– Ads manager vs. business manager– Navigating your FB ad managers account– Setting up your business manager
  • E: Ad Types, Objectives, And Goals– Different ad types and objectives within Facebook– Website conversion strategies– Getting maximum engagement– How to get video views– How to promote your page– Offers and events– A very detailed examination of ad types and examples– Mobile ads
  • F: How To Determine Your Target Audience– Why and how Facebook offers the best demographic targeting options– How to dial in FB targeting– Tools to help you navigate demo options– FB analytics and how to use that data– Graph search and how to use it– Getting the most out of FB Audience Insights– Other targeting tools
  • G: FB Ad Preparation– How to prep your Facebook ad account– Setting up billing and budgets– What is a conversion pixel and how to set it up– What is retargeting pixels and how to use them– Custom and lookalike audience targeting
  • H: Setting Up Your Facebook Ads– Understanding campaign structures– How to create your ads– Setting up your ad targeting– Ad options – headlines, ad copy, and urls– Tools that will help you save timeI: How To Optimize Your Facebook Ads– The single most important metric– Conversions and reporting– Other important metrics– Finding hungry audiences– Secondary data analysis
  • J: Power Editor Functions– What is the Facebook Power Editor?– How to access the Power Editor– Key features of the P.E.– Live walkthrough of P.E. setup
  • K: Scaling Out Your Facebook Campaigns– When to scale and when NOT to scale– Successful campaign cloning techniques– How to test mobile ads– How to broaden your audience reach
  • L: Remarketing On FB– Introduction to retargeting (remarketing)– How to set up your retargeting pixel– How to setup your first retargeting campaign
  • Are you starting to see the size and scope of this course? There are videos for all of these module chapters. It is MASSIVE!

Module 5: Google Adwords Advertising

  • A: Understanding Google– Why Google ads are difficult to navigate– Why Google is #1 for search traffic– Types of advertising offered
  • B: Google Compliance– Google compliance is complicated– Site preparation– How to speak Google’s language– Debunking Google Adwords marketing myths
  • C: Google Search Setup– What is the Google Search network– Understanding quality scores– Hidden features within Google Search– How to setup your first campaign
  • D: Optimizing Search– How to optimize your Search campaigns– Hidden features that can boost your ROI– How to scale your successful Search campaigns
  • E: Contextual Ads– Understanding what the Google Contextual Network is– How to setup your first Contextual campaign– Hidden features that will improve your performance
  • F: Optimizing Your Contextual Campaigns– How to optimize your campaigns– ROI-boosting elements that most advertisers don’t know about– How to scale out your campaigns
  • G: Google Display Ads And Setup– Understanding the Google Display Network– Features in Display to boost your ROI– How to create Display ads that are winners– How to setup your first Display campaign
  • H: How To Optimize Your Google Display Ads– Optimizing your Display Ads campaign– Display data that you’ll need to know– How to create your best ad– How to scale out your winning campaignsI: Remarketing– Introduction to Remarketing– How to structure your Remarketing campaign– Setting up your Remarketing campaign step-by-step– How to optimize your campaign
  • J: Advanced Google Tips And Tricks– Advanced tactics that make YOU money– Optimization secrets– How to bypass Google
  • K: The Google Goldmine– What Goldmine?– MCC Accounts– How to become Google’s partner and earn money doing it– Why the Goldmine is so valuable
  • L: How To Use The Advanced Google Editor– Benefits of using the Adwords editor– Step-by-step walkthrough of how to use the Adwords editor

Module 6: Bing Ads

  • A: Understanding Bing– Everything you need to know about Bing– How to work effectively with Bing
  • B: Bing Compliance– How to be in compliance with Bing– How to prep your website for Bing ads– Bing’s landing page guidelines– What works on Bing especially well
  • C: Setting Up Bing Search– How to set up your bing ads (search campaign)– How to write a STRONG ad– Generating your Bing keyword list– Understanding match types– Features that will help you succeed
  • D: How To Optimize Bing Search– Why the optimizing process on Bing is more important than the campaign setup– Optimization rules of the road on Bing– Understanding Bing’s quality score system– Hidden data to boost your ROI
  • E: Additional Tips And Tricks On Bing– How to create your first Contextual ad campaign on Bing– How to use the Bing Ads Editor to streamline the process

Module 7: Penny-Click Mastery

  • A: Introduction– What is In-Text Advertising?– How does In-Text Advertising work?– Who should use In-Text Advertising?– Types of In-Text Advertising ads– What converts best
  • B: 50OnRed Setup Optimize Scale– How to setup your in-text Campaign on 50OnRed– Creating your keyword list on 50OnRed– In-text ad setup– How to optimize your ads– Scaling campaigns on 50OnRed
  • C: TrafficVance – Setup Optimize Scale– How to setup your in-text campaign on TrafficVance– How to create your keyword list– Setting up your in-text ads– Optimizing your campaigns

More courses from the same author: Fred Lam

Salepage: iPro Academy – Fred Lam https://www.ibusinesscourse.net/ipro-academy-fred-lam/?feed_id=11972&_unique_id=6606ca16d92df


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