Leads Bundle - John Forde
Leads Bundle Information
JOHN FORDE has been writing winning controls for over 25 years. He’s made millions of dollars for clients in the financial, health, and travel industries. He’s also personally mentored dozens of today’s star copywriters, advises businesses on six continents, and has authored a course, two books, and hundreds of articles on copywriting. John regularly leads intense seminars for two or three hundred marketers and copywriters at a time.
Here’s what you’ll get:
FREE BONUS 1 – BEHIND THE SCENES ACCESS TO OUR PRIVATE DISCUSSION WITH JOHN FORDE- And when you grab your copy today, you’ll also get immediate access to the recording of the private Zoom call, FREE.
- So, between these two resources, you have everything you need to have some of the most compelling marketing messages in your entire marketplace.
- You have everything you need to get more sales from the traffic you’re already getting… by just tweaking the first 300-500 words of your marketing campaign.
- And That’s Not All You Get…
- When you go ahead and get Jack’s boot camp recordings today, along with the Zoom recording, FREE…
- You also get immediate access to the legendary Lead-Based Swipe File from one of the best copy chiefs on the planet, Joe Schriefer of Agora Financial.
- Joe has and continues to work closely with Jack.
- And thanks to what Joe teaches his copywriters, and what he’s detailed for them in this Lead-Based Swipe File, his team now does several hundred million dollars a year in sales.
- Inside Joe’s Lead-Based Swipe File, you’ll find dozens of top producing marketing campaigns, all categorized by Lead Type…
- Which you’ll master as you’re going thru Jack’s bootcamp — and all annotated with notes from Joe on the key takeaways and points which power these campaigns.
- This is the closest thing to you having a master copywriter personally walk you thru the nitty-gritty details behind some of the most compelling campaign Leads ever produced.
- And when you’re reviewing this Swipe File, you’ll never lack for ideas and ways to open your marketing campaigns with serious persuasive punch.
- And that’s why top marketers and copywriters have been clamoring to get their hands on Joe’s infamous Lead-Based Swipe File.
- But, until today… it’s only given to copywriters hired at Agora Financial and the folks who are lucky enough to pay several thousand dollars to get access to Joe’s complete Copywriting School training.
- Today, when you grab your copy of Jack’s Begin with A Bang Bootcamp, you get a copy of this priceless Lead-Based Swipe File, FREE.
- And we’re not done… there’s more, another bonus you get today.
- This one… a private video I recorded for my own team… dissecting the killer Lead of our most recent home run campaign, the one I mentioned earlier.
- I personally wrote all the copy for this campaign…
- And, on this private video, you’ll see me breakdown each sentence of the Lead, sharing the structure, the psychological triggers, the strategy of each sentence, and more.
- If you’ve ever wanted to know the behind-the-scenes “tricks” to hooking prospects so they eagerly consume your entire marketing message, you’re going to love this.
- Of course, this video isn’t for sale anywhere. I wouldn’t even know how much to charge if I were to even sell it. $300, $500, $1000. I don’t even know.
- But, today, when you grab your copy of the recordings from Jacks’ full day bootcamp, I’ll give you a copy of this private video dissection, FREE.
- And believe it or not, there’s still more.
- I have one more bonus for you — my go-to Campaign Lead Template.
- Now, I’m not a fan of ordinary copywriting templates. But this is no ordinary template.
- After tons of testing over the past six months, this is now the exact fill-in-the-blank Lead structure my team uses when I have them create campaigns for me…
- And it’s the same template I give to my private clients who pay thousands of dollars to be part of the E5 Acquisition Accelerator Coaching Program with me.
- This is the closest thing I’ve found to a true plug-and-play Lead Template that is continuing to crush it.
- You’ll get it in a simple Google Document, instantly, which you can save and use for your campaigns.
- And, without question, this will make every one of your campaigns more effective at bringing in new sales. Even from the coldest of traffic.
- So, there you have it.
Here's A Quick Recap For You Of Everything You’re Getting Today In This Must Have Bundle:
- You’re getting the recordings of Jack’s full-day bootcamp, what we’re calling Begin With A Bang! How To Captivate Prospects With An Irresistible Opening To Your Marketing Message.
- You’re getting the unedited recording of the private Zoom call with me, Jack, and my Marketing Director John Mulry.
- You’re getting the full AF Lead-Based Swipe File… annotated by one of the world’s best copy chiefs.
- You’re getting the private Lead Dissection video I recorded for my own team. Dissecting the Lead of our most effective customer-acquisition campaign of the past two years.
- And you’re getting a copy of my go-to Campaign Lead Template — only shared with my team and my E5 Coaching Clients.
More courses from the same author: John Forde
Salepage: Leads Bundle - John Forde
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