Fiverr Mastery Course – Arbel Kimmick
Fiverr Mastery Course Information
I work from home. I'm a stay-at-home mom to 2 beautiful little girls and I make 6k+ a month solely on You should have that opportunity too.
Here’s what the Master Course will do for you:
- A gig ready to show up on the first page! Just like the majority of my students, including myself, our gigs rank! In my Create a Gig section, I’ll walk you through creating a gig that will rank AKA show up on the first page of your respective category (No, I don’t have favorites, my Mastery Course is for ANY category on Fiverr).
- A gig that will get you messages and/or orders EVEN IF YOU HAVE 0 REVIEWS. It’s called an optimized gig and I will walk you through every part of creating one that will help you stand out amongst your competitors, just like Brittany’s gig that started out at ZERO reviews and she’s already on her 2nd order, gearing up to raise her prices really soon!
Here’s what you’ll learn
- Module 00- Welcome
- Module 01- Create a Fiverr Account
- Module 02- Fiverr Seller Setup
- Module 03- Create your first Gig
- Module 04- Get Ready for Sales
- Module 05- Fiverr Seller Metrics
- Module 06- Best Practices
- Module 07- BONUSES
- Module 08- Troubleshooting
About Author
For over 12 years I've been a full-time, professional freelancer. In 2011, I began freelancing as a web designer and specialized in designing custom WordPress websites for a variety of small businesses in the South Florida area.
In 2016, I became a Fiverr Seller which kicked off my Voiceover career which landed me multiple brand partnerships and became the voice of many popular brands as well as YouTube channels.
In 2022, I started a TikTok account teaching freelancers how to join and be successful on the Fiverr platform and have amassed a following of over 50,000 in just 1 year. During that time, I started a new gig on Fiverr called UGC or user-generated content and other video gigs that included spokesperson videos, unboxing and more.
As of 2023, I've worked with multiple well-known brands, have aired in TV commercials that are broadcasted across the US and much more. In addition to my Fiverr Mastery Course that guides freelancers how to create optimized and search-ready gigs on Fiverr, I offer 1:1 coaching, multiple digital products and free valuable content on my TikTok, YouTube and Instagram channels.
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