Game Frame Marketing Course – Laura Catella

Game Frame Marketing Course – Laura CatellaGame Frame Marketing Course Information

The Simplest $50,000,000 Method That'll Make You A Legendary Copywriter

As You Read This Page, You'll Discover:

  • 5 undisclosed "must do's" to write legendary copy that most gurus claim is unteachable
  • The only system that WILL help you become a legendary copywriter, if you apply it. (Even if you've taken every course in existence, you have not learned this)
  • The one-of-a-kind copywriting method that Joe Polish, Candy Valentino, Chris Voss and other seasoned legends' jaws drop to the floor because of its power, uniqueness, and simplicity

Picture This...

You sit down in front of your computer and crank out a new sales letter in a matter of days instead of weeks or months.

You work half the time but make double the money.

Your research is done in a couple of hours, not days.

Big Ideas flow to you effortlessly.

And every time you sit down to write, your fingers tap the keys at a furious pace as the words seem to spill out of your brain and onto the page with ease.

It’s the kind of effortless flow that comes from writing copy for 20, maybe even 30 years.

And I’m gonna show you how to do it in as little as one week.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to give you the best kept secrets of A List copywriters for:

  • Fast-tracking your research
  • Generating Big Ideas on the fly
  • Churning out sales letters at record speed
  • Editing & revising your work to instantly increase conversions in one sitting

You’ll no longer sit staring at your computer screen…

Hesitant on where to start or what to write…

Holding back because you’re not sure if you’re even good enough.

You’ll no longer procrastinate by mindlessly scrolling social media…

Tacking on fruitless hours to an already-torturous writing process.


From this day forward, you’ll appear to write from memory, not from scratch.

And you won’t use a single template.

In fact, as you keep reading and discover these A List secrets…

You’ll realize that they have the power to change your writing process forever…

To make you a creative genius and help you stand out in a crowded, competitive market as one of the “chosen” ones.

Even as technology improves and robots start replacing humans in our industry…

You’ll be able to use these A List secrets to come up with angles, hooks, stories, and mechanisms no piece of technology ever could.

Don’t believe me?

Look, if you’re skeptical, that’s a good thing.

Skepticism is a sign of intelligence.

And because you’re so smart, as you continue reading, you’ll quickly understand the power of these A List secrets…

And you’ll know exactly how to apply them immediately to your own work.

But before I share these A List secrets with you, I have to dispel a myth first.

Because you might assume that the secrets I'm about to reveal are the next "miracle copywriting system."

You might think that I’m about to claim this new miracle copywriting system is the magic fix for all your problems.

On the contrary…

Writing systems and formulas alone won’t make you a better copywriter.

And that’s a fact.

That's why even if you've bought courses in the past...

And even if you’ve joined a mastermind, learned systems from gurus, or used templates and swipe files...

You might STILL take too long to write.

And you might still be unsure whether your copy is good or not.

Which means you most likely still experience feast & famine cycles because you’re not getting steady clients, referral work, or retainers with rev share bonuses.

But as I reveal the A List secrets to you, you’ll see why templates, swipe files, and copywriting systems aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

You’ll understand why you still struggle to write as fast or as well as you’d like.

And you’ll know what to do to immediately improve.

So if you’re tired of taking an entire month, even two months to write a sales letter…

If you procrastinate on jobs, anxious because you’re not confident in your copy…

You’re not sure where to start…

Or you struggle to find unique Big Ideas and mechanisms…

And if you’re exhausted from being flooded with work one month… to being completely dried up the next month…

Then keep reading to discover the A List secrets to writing faster, higher-converting copy that will make your clients obsessed with you (these secrets are the key to consistently landing gigs that pay 5-figures).

Here’s how A List copywriters produce powerful, punchy copy quickly and generate a steady stream of clients waiting to work with them…

Secret #1

A List copywriters don’t waste an ounce of energy or brain power trying to distinguish between Big Ideas, hooks, angles, and mechanisms.

It’s easy to get tripped up on defining terms.

Especially when you’re following someone else’s system and you think the distinction is necessary to check each item off your list.

If you want to write like an A Lister, it’s not necessary to distinguish between these things.

The reality is, it’s possible to instantly recognize a Big Idea when you see one (and it often presents itself when you get into flow, which I’ll come back to in a minute).

Secret #2

A List copywriters use hypnotic language throughout their sales copy.

Strong headlines and leads are a must.

But if you look at any successful offer on the market, you will see that they use future pacing throughout their copy, which is one form of hypnotism.

While future pacing is a good start, the best writers take readers deeper and deeper into a hypnotic state.

And the copywriters who can take their prospects the deepest into a trance-like state inevitably see the highest conversions.

Secret #3

A List copywriters separate writing time and editing time.

In fact, the number one habit guaranteed to slow down your writing process is editing WHILE you write.

There’s also a right and a wrong way to approach editing…

And as you keep reading, you’ll learn and understand how to do it the right way.

Secret #4

There’s a reason A List copywriters get hired over and over again…

It’s the reason they’re able to land one gig right after the other…

And often have a waiting list.

See, the top 1% of copywriters nearly always provide their clients with split test ideas.

And while that may seem like a super high-level skill one can only acquire after years and years of practice & learning…

It’s actually quite simple when you know how to quickly scan and spot alternate angles, hooks, and leads to get your clients the most bang for their buck.

You can even use these “split test packages” as leverage to immediately get hired again and negotiate win-win performance deals with your clients.

Secret #5

A minute ago, I suggested that formulas and processes alone won’t make you a better writer.

… And then I shared four secrets with you all about processes that A List copywriters use, lol.

But Secret #5 is how regular freelancers move beyond systems and frameworks to get noticed in the industry with copy that clients go berzerk over.

It’s also how the top copywriters will stand out from the machines and never be without a job.

Secret #5 is that all A List copywriters have their own unique creative genius.

It’s what sets them apart from any other writers in the world.

And while you might think creativity is attached to your DNA…

And either you have the creative gene or you don’t have the creative gene…

The good news is, that’s simply not true.

Creativity is a skill.

It’s a skill that many of the writers you aspire to be like took years and years to develop.

But I’ve discovered an effortless way to transfer this skill rather quickly to you and to anyone who wants it…

So that Big Ideas, hooks, angles, headlines, and stories will flow to you.

Unique mechanisms will reveal themselves to you when you’re out for a walk, cooking a meal, or even doing something as simple as getting dressed in the morning.

Every day, mundane objects and experiences will start to tell their own stories that can help you sell literally anything.

You’ll just need a pen & paper or a Notes app & fast fingers to capture them as they flood in.

Without a creative edge, most copywriters are indistinguishable from one another, and in order to land clients, they’re forced to compete on price.

The problem is…

Even when you’re the cheapest, you still might lose out on gigs with rockstar clients when they’re willing to pay top dollar for top quality.

Here’s what you’ll learn

Module 1: GENERATE

Module 1 is all about idea generation.

And if you think research is boring…

You’ll love my “Full Deck” research hack that instantly turns idea generation into a GAME and puts the FUN and passion back into your writing process.

I’ll also show you…

  • How to come up with 99 headlines in 9 minutes flat (set your timer!)
  • The one search term on Reddit that most copywriters neglect to use (but the 1% of copywriters who DO use it are considered the best in the world)
  • The classic research methods Gary Bencivenga, David Deutsch, and Gary Halbert used to get to know their prospects more intimately than any other copywriters in the world. Plus how to use today’s technology to get to know your prospects faster. I’ll also tell you which outdated research techniques you can cross off your list to save you even more time.
  • The five prompts you can answer before you do a lick of research that will speed up your writing time 4.5X (so instead of taking a month to write a long-form sales letter, you could  bang it out in a week)
  • When and how to generate unique names for ingredients, processes, and mechanisms to make them more intriguing (aka more likely to sell)
  • The Metaphor Matrix that makes even the most boring copywriter look like a creative genius
  • The two research techniques that your grandma would approve of that still work like a charm today
  • Why a simple trip to the zoo can help you write like an A List copywriter
  • BETTER THAN REDDIT! The “Rotary Research Method” used by all the greats that most copywriters today haven’t even heard of


Afraid to write long-form copy?

No worries, I’ll give you the world’s simplest sales page outline that helps even short-form email copywriters land $10k+ gigs with confidence.

PLUS I’m sharing…

  • The “headline poison” that keeps prospects reading, but doesn’t increase sales (and the 3-second antidote that revives a poisoned headline instantly)
  • How to effectively open a loop in your post-headline that will keep more eyes glued to the page
  • Most copywriters close loops too quickly. Here’s how to keep loops open longer while still gripping your reader’s attention all the way to the buy button.
  • The “double loop stitch” method that hooks prospects faster and can keep them on pins and needles throughout the sales letter (even if it’s 10,000 words long)
  • What a AAA battery can teach you about writing electric closes that increase sales
  • How to effortlessly embody Albert Einstein to generate wildly creative and weird angles that immediately grip your prospects’ attention and keep them reading all the way to the end
  • Good sales copy has to be specific, right? WRONG. I’ll show you how to increase conversions with copy angles so mysterious, even Sherlock Holmes would be stumped (but these mystery angles will be so relatable that your readers won’t be able to walk away until they’ve read every last word on the page).
  • Why the most effective copy doesn’t stop after the close (plus how to increase LTV with hypnotic copy post-purchase)
  • How to tie emotion into your close to hypnotize prospects into visualizing buying your product (this is how A+ copywriters are earning those big royalty checks)
  • How to use celebrities to build credibility in your copy even if they don’t have an official endorsement with the brand (and it’s completely ethical when done the right way)
  • How to generate really persuasive copy using THIS book owned by every 6th-grader
  • You’re not supposed to use jargon in your copy, right? WRONG. I’ll show you when and how to use jargon in a hypnotic way to put your audience in a trance and make them instantly devoted
  • The two promises you MUST make in your sales copy to increase conversions (if either one is missing, you’re leaving money on the table)


Most A Listers produce killer copy on the first try, right?


The truth is, the gurus you look up to usually start with C-level copy, and then use the sneaky editing secrets I share in GAME Frame to publish winners that they charge $25k, $35k, even $50k to write.

See, the #1 mistake most copywriters make is editing WHILE they write.

The second biggest mistake they make is editing at the sentence level first.

In this module, I show you exactly how to edit quickly, efficiently, and in a way that will increase conversions.

You’ll also discover…

  • How to determine how many times you can repeat yourself in a sales letter without irritating or belittling your readers
  • The “telephone” trap most copywriters fall into while editing their work (WARNING: If you’re working on projects until the 25th hour and still not producing absolute fire copy, you’re likely a victim of this telephone trap. The good news is that you can literally fix it TODAY. The remedy is revealed in Module 3.)
  • The A List project management plan that will put you ahead of schedule every time you use it. Your clients will LOVE your punctuality.
  • What time travel can teach you about reviewing copy that will immediately make you a more efficient editor and help you produce a higher converting final draft (this is the same secret I’ve used to generate over 9 figures writing and chiefing copy)
  • The “Tinseltown Technique” for reviewing copy that can reveal quick fixes to take your copy from bombing to blockbuster overnight
  • How to recycle lead copy to make your close stronger in a way that results in more sales
  • How to crack open a line of copy to reveal more juicy benefits and hypnotic copy with the “egg toss” trick

Module 4: EXIT/END IT

Do you get anxiety at the thought of turning your work in to a client?

Module 4 will give you instant confidence in deciding when a piece is ready to hand over.

And not only that, but it’ll give you…

  • The most leverageable zones of a sales letter to quickly create ads, emails, and advertorials
  • How to quickly find upsells and cross-sells that can instantly increase AOV and LTV
  • The semi-automatic headline generator that creates split test ideas in seconds
  • The 5 most impactful split tests to offer a client that you can either charge more money for… or use as a value-add to overdeliver on every project (Hint: even when you charge for it, your client will still view it as overdelivering)
  • When to scrap an idea, hook, angle, or even a Big Idea before you waste precious time writing or editing

About Author

Game Frame Marketing Course – Laura CatellaLaura Catella is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who has grown e-commerce and direct response brands in Beauty, Health, Internet Marketing, and Financial Education. She’s thought by many to be one of the best mindset coaches, copywriters and copy coaches alive.

When first asked to coach, Laura’s clients would routinely ask, “how do you do it?” They’d ask it about copywriting, being a 6-figure freelancer her very first year in the game, starting her own offers, scaling her own brands, and balancing a robust personal life, including motherhood (Eden, Laura’s daughter, is a legendary little 4 year old girl). The answers always came back to mindset over tactics.

Coaching on mindset took considerably more persistence than teaching a tactic, but the results were exponential for her clients, and the work was so much more fulfilling for them and Laura. This inspired Laura to create Diamond Day Mastermind, the premier personal development experience for entrepreneurs, which is now touted to be the very best event of its kind in the industry.

Laura also runs group mindset coaching cohorts 3-4 times per year, where she teaches her Diamond Mind Framework. She’s the creator of Game Frame, which is one of the world’s best marketing training programs that takes unique approaches to branding, copy, and creativity. She’s an accomplished NLHE Poker player and has three pets: two cats, Trinket and Bluff, and a dog, Winston. She stargazes nightly

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